Mission Statement

Remember when you were encouraged to be creative when we were young?

Figamarole’s mission is to be a source of encouragement by bringing inspiration and creativity in a relaxed, fun setting to the local women in Stanislaus County, California. We do this by sharing, teaching, learning & encouraging each other while sustaining and nurturing “ALL THINGS HOMEMADE.”

Figamarole is a space rental for crafting purposes for small venue private indoor or outdoor “crafting” parties or classes. This charming 106 year old home lends inspiration to those wanting to learn, teach, or share some personal crafting time with self or with friends.

“Creativity is not an option . . . it’s a whole lot cheaper than a therapist . . . and a whole lot more fun!”

history of figamarole

This Charming Old House that we call Figamarole was built in 1918 by Grace and Frank Forney. Frank and his wife Grace raised their family, farmed their 8 acres and lived in this home to the end of their long life in the 1960’s. They originally planted their property in fig trees which was the orchard of choice in the early years in many areas of the Central Valley, thus the name of Smyrna Tract (named after the Smyrna Fig) to this day defined on many maps, etc. for the town of Ceres.. Grace Forney was born into the Caulkins family who were early landowners on the outskirts of the town of Ceres. Many of her sisters also built their family homes on the same road, where many of their family members still farm and live today.

The original house had an cutting shed, sulfur house, dry yard, an out house and a pump house. The home was constructed of redwood and built solid and strong by family members. Later owners were brick masons and added the brickwork, entrance porches and built in the porch area that was originally used as a canning porch, adding the beautiful and massive kitchen fireplace that is a standout feature of this beautiful old home.

figamarole then



In 2010, Mike and Risse Keys, purchased this property from the Hansen Family and began a remodel project bringing the home to it’s present look. Having always loved this old home, Risse Keys was inspired to make a place for women to gather and share their creative talents through classes, workshops, and craft fairs. The home was named Figamarole after the Fig Orchard that originally existed on the property and from the word “Rigamarole” having to do with the use of the home for sewing, painting, cooking, and all things creative and homemade.

Figamarole is an outreach to the Ceres and local community and provides an inspirational place of relaxation and beauty for crafters to enjoy the country surroundings and this charming old house.

Risse Keys, Owner