hosting or Teaching

As a Host or Teacher you:

  • Are provided access to Figamarole as needed.

  • A Rental Agreement is required that agrees to Date, Time, and Proof of Insurance for off premisis (usually obtained from your homeowners insurance with no cost).

  • Can decide between private or open event. If a private event, no other attendees will know about event. If you would like it to be an open event, Figamarole can handle the promotion of the event if class information is provided 1 month prior to event.

  • You set your own pricing and add it to the Figamarole Fees.

  • If Figamarole promotes your Class or Event for you, the participant pays Figamarole online and you are reimbursed for your share of the class instruction (Sign Up Fee less Figamarole fee). If you handle your own sign up for your Class or Event, the Figamarole fee is due the day of the event.

  • For inquiries Contact Us.