We’re delighted to offer our space for you to host an event of your own. We have weekly, monthly or occasional hostings available. They can be private or open to the Figamarole public community with Figamarole promoting your event.

Day Rental fees

Less than 2 HOURS $5 PER PERSON (minimum) $20 Monthly

Less than or equal to 4 HOURS $10 PER PERSON $40 Monthly

Greater than 4 HOURS $20 PER PERSON $80 Monthly

Figamarole accepts payment online or at time of event. You can pay in CLASSES/EVENTS. For those events that are weekly, if you choose to pay monthly, the 5th week is always free. To purchase or to make rental arrangements for your event or to see what is available, please contact us.


Figamarole is available to those interested in hosting Private Crafting Parties. If you have a small group of friends (12 maximum) that want to get together to paint, cook, sew, quilt, knit, create, teach something as a private group, Figamarole is a great venue for you.

Your co-workers, bible study group, family, or select friends may want to enjoy having an inspirational place away from your own home to gather. We have large indoor tables, ironing boards and kitchen and sturdy wooden tables poolside. If you are looking for an instructor, we have several available for different hobbies that we can recommend or you can bring in your one of your own choosing. See Day Rental Fees for current pricing. A simple rental agreement is needed for host to get set up after a time and date is set. Repeat weekly rentals are also accepted.

Have Questions OR want to book?